
When the world was locked up in their houses only then people realized their safest home is not that safe. Even there, they were surrounded by the burden of their failures and unaccomplishments, fighting their battle against anxiety and depression, they were helpless. The only thing they needed was a shoulder to lean on and cry and a soul who understands their pain.

The journey on a rough road seems less difficult if accompanied by a friend and just like a good friend we will hold your hand and will guide you out of this loop of mental illness and will assist you to pass all the hurdles in your journey and to reach your destination of happiness and success.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

These wise words by Mahatma Gandhi helped us in starting this campaign. To see a world free from depression and mental illness we’ve to understand and help those who are dealing with such problems. The only aim of this site is to reach out and help those who need us. When you say no one loves you, no one cares about you, understands you, then we want to assure you that we’re your “no one.” The whole world can be against you but your Guardian Angels will never leave your side.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy & Never stop believing in yourself!